How to contact /e/?

Before contacting us directly, read the FAQs, and ask the community of /e/ users:

subscribe to our newsletter (about 2 / 3 emails per month)

Having an issue with your device?

First read the FAQ:

Your device isn’t supported yet?
You can suggest us to add it on our community forum

Want to suggest a feature?
New feature request can be posted on our community forum

Do you have a question about how /e/ is different?
Read the product page.

Direct contact

If you didn’t succeed in finding what you were looking for in our forums or talking with other /e/ users, contact us via this form below!

    Our Helpdesk Team is small and only supports people who are on a paid Murena subscription or who have purchased a Murena device on For technical help and support around installing /e/OS yourself help is available from our communities. Therefore:

    • If you are a Murena Customer, please contact the Murena support team using this form instead, to get priority support:

    • To find an answer to your question, please check our Documentation site This website has a useful search function. Answers for the most commonly asked questions can be found here, as well as many HOWTO articles.

    • We recommend that you connect with other users on our community forum where you can search for information or ask questions.

    • You can also join one of our Telegram support channels, visible here:, to chat with other community members.

    Thank you for using /e/OS and Murena services.

    Please fill in the contact form on the Murena website at